"British Crisis (1947-?)" and "What Kind of Crisis?" (1947)
Michael Polanyi's "British Crisis (1947-?)" was published in Polanyiana 2014/1-2 along with two additional unpublished archival selections: (1) "Notes on a Film" (1936) and (2)"First and Second Lectures"(1948).
Gábor Bíró's essay, "Some Notes on the Early Economic Thought of Michael Polanyi," introduces these three short archival pieces.
A somewhat expanded version of "British Crisis (1947-?)" was published under the title "What Kind of Crisis?" in the 4 October 1947 issue of Time and Tide (pp. 1056-1058). "What Kind of Crisis?" is available in the Gelwick Microfilm Collection (one level up). The filename is Glwk44-WhatKindofCrisis-1947.pdf .