Tradition & Discovery

The Polanyi Society Periodical

Volume XII               Number 1            1984-1985

There are no electronic files for issues of Tradition and Discovery published before 17: 1 & 2 in the academic year 1991-1992. The material which follows is a scanned paper copy and the quality of the reproduction is relatively poor. You should be able to use Adobe Reader to zoom in on text. Immediately below is a Table of Contents for the early issue that you wish to examine. You can locate individual articles only by downloading the complete issue (link below) and scrolling through. The pagination listed in the Table of Contents is not identical to that which Adobe Reader will indicate.

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Submissions for Publication--2

Validation in the Human Sciences--3

Kenneth J. Shapiro

A Note on John Shotter's Social Accountability and Selfhood--9

Robin Hodgkin

Humor and Michael Polanyi's Theory of Knowledge--10

Jere Moorman

Vocation Recalled: Personal Knowledge and Cosmic Re-enchantment--15

James W. Stines

News and Notes--24

CONVIVIUM Section (British Polyanyi Periodical)

David Bohm on Tacit Knowledge and the Implicate Order--25

Polanyi and the Cybernetic Dream--27

Joan Crewdson

Competence and Tacit Knowing--32

Robin Hodgkin

Comment on "What Is A Painting?"--35

Drusilla Scott

Belief in Miracles--37

Drusilla Scott

Book Reviews

Francis Dunlop's The Education of Feeling--39

Robin Hodgkin

T. F. Torrance's Transformation and Convergence In the Frame of Knowledge--41

J.C. Puddefoot

Polanyi Society Subscription and Membership--43